Jan 18, 2024
Meredith regales Tess with her recounting of the brawl that broke out in her driveway between two grown-ass men over a fender bender last week!
Tess then laments the battery of social obligations she is slogging through following the holidays, Meredith anticipates the arrival of her in-laws, and both of them express exasperation at everyone's generally terrible behavior.
They then move on to check in with the social media trolls, who never fail to amaze. In this week's installment of The Week In Trolls, two chaotic and inconsiderate sociopaths try to justify their awful impulses in reaction to some comedy sketches our content team published recently. They are unsuccessful in this endeavor.
Next up Meredith & Tess react to fan responses to the Question of the Day "what food do you hate that everyone seems to love?"
The episode wraps up with our two hosts trading questions from the Venting and Joy editions of the Delve Deck! First up from the Venting edition: "what seems like it should make you happy but doesn't?"
Not satisfied with one venting question, they also discuss "what problem can you not believe technology hasn't solved yet?"
As a palate cleanser they attempt to indulge in some joyful rumination, answering "if you could create a magic pill, what would it do?"
Give a listen to hear their answers!
If you think the Delve Deck questions and the conversations they sparked sound fun, head over to Boredwalk.com and pick up sets for yourself!
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