Dec 1, 2023
* Due to technical issues, episode 194 was eaten by cyber-gremlins, which is why we skipped from 193 to 195 this week! If we're able to recover the audio files we'll publish it as soon as possible, but if not just assume it was a laugh riot and be sad it will never be heard.
Meredith and Grace talk about Meredith's recent almost-run-in with would-be burglars who half-heartedly attempted to break into our home WHILE SHE WAS THERE WORKING. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY.
They also discuss familial estrangement during the holiday season — always a joyous topic!
They then share which famous person they would both like to meet — comedian Dana Carvey for Grace, and filmmaker/King of Filth John Waters for Meredith — and then the conversation takes a bizarre conspiratorial turn. What fun!
The episode wraps up with two questions from our JUST RELEASED Delve Deck: Joy Edition and Delve Deck: Venting Edition expansion packs! They ask "what are your biggest daily annoyances?" and "what would you secretly like to brag about if you didn't think anyone would judge you for it?"
Visit to get your very own Delve Deck(s) and follow us on social media to answer our question of the day. Your response might make it on the podcast!